About Us

Hello and welcome to Raw Body Beauty where we care about your skin!

Most people do not think much about what they put on their body just what they put in it. With all the advancements in nutrition and medicine we should all be concerned with what we put on our body just as much as what we put in it. Your skin soaks up a large percentage of what it comes in contact with. This is why people with sensitive skin have adverse reactions so quickly when they come in contact with chemicals their skin doesn’t like. I have sensitive skin, mostly to metals but also to some perfumes and fragrances. I have unfortunately discovered this the hard way after trying something and ending up with a horrific rash or hives that takes hours or even days to get rid of.

The next thing that made me look a little deeper into natural products was my husband’s eczema. We had been searching and buying so many expensive lotions and creams trying to get it under control but it seemed like everything we tried was a temporary fix. After some extensive research we learned that both Cocoa butter and Shea butter claimed to work very well.

So we had some imported and I began the journey of making a pure lotion that was free of chemicals and synthetic preservatives. After a few trials of finding the best mix of ingredients we made the Body Frosting that you can find for sale in my shop. This is the same formula that my husband uses for his eczema and it works great! Since this development my daughter, my mother and I all use this same cream. I do not water down the version I sell nor do I use any synthetic ingredients or chemicals.

All of my ingredients are pure and natural with no chemicals. The herbs I use are all either grow myself without chemicals or pesticides or I have them imported through a trusted supplier to ensure they are pure and natural and grown without pesticides. I then distill and make my own essential oils for my products. Quality is of my utmost concern when it comes to my products. I welcome you to try them I am certain you will love them just as much as my family and I do.

Raw Body Beauty